
Saturday, 7 August 2010


In preparation for this cycle, I wanted to make sure that I had plenty of home pregnancy tests to use during the two week wait. Over here they keep them behind the counter, and I can still remember the look on the pharmacist’s face when I asked for four at once.

I decided to go with Amazon, they are a lot less judgemental about such things. Or so I thought. Once I navigated to the “First Response” page, I was greeted with these options:

Thank-you Amazon . Do you know something that I do not? Or do you tell all women that they may as well save 15% and have these things shipped monthly, because they’re going to be using them for a while? Or just for the women who have also bought “The Fertility Diet” and “IVF: A Patient’s Guide” in their purchase history?

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I hadn't noticed that evil little quirk when ordering pregnancy tests from Amazon. It may very well be related to your book purchases. I didn't order any infertility books through Amazon. Man, oh man, I'm hoping you're only a one time customer of this particular product!

    And don't worry, I didn't know Phoebe's exact mythological role until we started thinking about the name:)
