
Monday 18 January 2010


New year, new IUI cycle. After a lovely vacation and break, it will soon be time to get back on the Assisted Reproductive Technology horse. Yes, I am still involved in the clinical trial, and yes, we have two more IUIs planned before we move on. The plan is:

February: IUI #3
March: IUI #4
April: Break and vacation
May/June: IVF #1
July: Break
August/September: FET/IVF#2

By this time, the theoretical success rate will be over 50%, and hopefully we will be part of that proportion.

Otherwise, we are just taking things month by month. We do not make any long term plans that we would have to change in the event of pregnancy. I try to schedule as many meetings at work in the afternoon, just in case I have to spend the morning at the fertility clinic. My calendar is divided into 28-day increments. I take my daily pre-natal tablet, as I have been doing for the past two years.

As long my husband and I have each other, we will be okay. For the moment, I am his baby and he takes care of me. He makes sure that I am taking care of myself, and that I have plenty of indulgences.


  1. hello.. thanks for visiting my blog.. I see you have a full year plan.. I hope that you don't need all those months.. I hope this works for you quickly.. you have been through so much!

  2. Good luck with things - must be about time for a BFP to come along.

  3. Wow, the time went by so fast. I can't believe your break is almost over. And I'm so impressed that you're so patient and balanced and willing to take time for your lives to vacation, etc.
